Masterlist for new Kirk/Spock fanfiction
I am really surprised by the velocity of the development of the fandom after Star Trek XI aired. And it already gets very unstructured. So I thought it would be great to have a masterlist of
all new fanfic out there. I would be more happy if people would also archive their stories at e.g. the K/S Archive, Thyla or But I also know that they lack in some areas.
So here is my first try on this kind of list. I would be happy to get your links and will try to update them fast.
Thanks a lot.
Kirk/Spock- Masterlist after author
K/S- fanfic written after the first of May 2009 or connected to Star Trek XI
This includes friendship, pre-slash, slash and multiple pairing stories.
Last Update: 26th of June 2009
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